Hash'em all!
Free online text & file hashing
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SHA 160bit (SHA1)
SHA 256bit
SHA 384bit
SHA 512bit
RIPEMD 128bit
RIPEMD 160bit
HAVAL 128bit, 3 r.
HAVAL 160bit, 3 r.
HAVAL 192bit, 3 r.
HAVAL 224bit, 3 r.
HAVAL 256bit, 3 r.
HAVAL 128bit, 4 r.
HAVAL 160bit, 4 r.
HAVAL 192bit, 4 r.
HAVAL 224bit, 4 r.
HAVAL 256bit, 4 r.
HAVAL 128bit, 5 r.
HAVAL 160bit, 5 r.
HAVAL 192bit, 5 r.
HAVAL 224bit, 5 r.
HAVAL 256bit, 5 r.
Tiger 128bit, 3 p.
Tiger 160bit, 3 p.
Tiger 192bit, 3 p.
Tiger 128bit, 4 p.
Tiger 160bit, 4 p.
Tiger 192bit, 4 p.
* p = passes, r = rounds
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Hashed 58,246 files (tot. 24.23 Gb) and 514,090 strings.
All rights reserved. All trademarks are of respective owners. This service is totally free and it is available for use "as is"; mantainers don't have any responsability in case of incorrect or missing data. For informations or comments please contact info@hashemall.com.

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Punto Informatico, l'evoluzione della rete
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